Tuesday, September 11, 2007


OK, I am supposed to be flaking out over getting my thesis in this month, but I couldn't resist the Travelling Gallery's call for interactive works earlier this summer, and was thrilled to be asked to contribute to their Access All Areas show. Therefore, we have HUG, a big woollen ball with embroidered reactive patches - it purrs, it has a heart, it likes you.

Why? Well, when travelling on public transport in America, things happen. I was handed a flyer in a mini van by a lady coming off the night shift on my way to Moody Gardens with the family, and in it she proposed that hugging was cheap, healthy and tax free. She's right.

Access All Areas has just started touring, and I'm not sure the balls, one very large, one small, will stand up to the wear and tear. Still, the drivers were keen to help and took my little sewing kit with them - cheers guys!

I definitely see further work here, in the development of three dimensional conductive embroidery.


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