Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tina Rose

Many thanks are due to Tina Rose, editor of the craftscotland website, for helping publicise the ensemble project. Tina sent me this story in August, so I must apologise profusely to her for only getting it onto the blog now:

I have a jewellery story to contribute. My grandmother lived in London, and we would visit every summer. I always loved going through her jewellery box and trying everything on and she said when she died I would get her engagement ring. Well, when she died we discovered this ring had been stolen, so my Mum gave me a ring she had given her. It was bought at the British Empire Exhibition in 1924 by my grandfather as a thank you to my grandmother for having my mother. It always seemed more special to me because of that history. Both my grandmother and mother are dead now, and last year my flat was broken into and all their rings – wedding, etc – that had been left to me were stolen. I was upset most about losing this ring. A week after the burglary I picked up a cheap necklace in my jewellery box and discovered the ring had got tangled with it so I still had it. It is even more special now and it’s nice that it has connections with both my grandmother and mother.
With all best wishes to Tina, and a belated thank you for this tale!


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